Weekly Update: Major Predictions for 2025
Other News
BIG NEWS: Scientists from the American Geophysical Union predict a major undersea volcanic eruption near the Cascadia Fault in 2025. This could trigger a tsunami impacting the Oregon, Washington, and northern California coasts.
The event prediction, 11 months in advance, is rare and serves as a wake-up call. Join my disaster prepping seminar, “Prepping for Normal People”, on January 19th from 1 PM to 5 PM at Cedarhome Seventh Day Adventist Church, 28505 68th Ave NW, Stanwood.
- We'll discuss this prediction and actions to reduce its impact on our lives.
- EMP events remain the top threat to the USA, according to A.I. models.
- The lumber industry faces challenges with demand dropping and surplus supply from planting decades ago.
- Ukraine has stopped the flow of natural gas to Russia, crippling several European countries during a particularly cold winter.
- Russia may turn to Israel for natural gas, potentially escalating tensions in the region and triggering the battle of Armageddon.
- The USA and Norway could benefit as alternative exporters to Europe.
The Stock Market Watch
- The Dow has dropped 6% since its December 4th peak, indicating a slow correction.
- Goldman Sachs predicts a 10-15% correction in the S&P 500, which remains overvalued.
- The FED's rate reductions may have delayed a larger correction but inflation remains a concern.
Metals Market Watch
- Global economic challenges may reduce silver demand, lowering prices temporarily.
- Our household continues to buy metals monthly through the OneGold app.
The Usual Metrics
- March 2025 may be pivotal for the economy with real estate tax deadlines and potential stock market corrections.
- Over 3,000 layoffs are expected this month in Washington State.
- The U.S. national debt has surpassed $36.3 trillion.
- The Inversion Chart shows a difference of 0.32; corrections usually occur between 0.50 and 1.00.
What Would I Do About All This?
Note: This is not financial advice, but here’s what we have done in our household:
- We stay out of debt and continue buying metals for the long haul through trusted sources like OneGold and FS Metals.
- We educate ourselves and our family on financial and disaster planning strategies.
- For purchasing metals, consider online for competitive prices and flash sales.