Any Year - Swiss 1oz Platinum Shooting Thaler

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
ACH $975.18
Cashier's $975.18
Check $975.18
Wire $975.18
Cash $978.59
Credit Card $1,009.31
PayPal $1,014.19
As low as $18.44 per oz above spot
FS Metals buy price $875.80


The Swiss Platinum Shooting Thaler commemorates one of the Schützenfest or free shooting tournaments held in various Swiss cantons.

Coin Information:

  • Contains 1oz of .999 fine Platinum.
  • Is an excellent way to invest in physical Platinum coins
  • Legendary figure of William Tell holding a crossbow with his son at his side surrounded on the 1986 Platinum coin or a close up bust of William Tell on the 1988 is on one side of the coin
  • The reverse side of the coin has the Swiss shield of arms flanked by edelweiss and oak leaf sprays surrounded by shields of the Swiss cantons.

Buying platinum bullion is easy with us. Platinum is one of the easiest metals to identify given its density is even greater than gold, which makes it almost impossible to counterfeit well. The design on these platinum coins is very detailed and appealing. If you are interested in investing in platinum coins, then the Swiss Platinum Shooting Thaler is an excellent choice.

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‘’Florida-born FS Metals is a leading supplier of rare coins, paper money and precious metals. Committed to authenticity, they strive to serve customers with high-quality goods they'll treasure..’’

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‘’Florida-born FS Metals is a leading supplier of rare coins, paper money and precious metals. Committed to authenticity, they strive to serve customers with high-quality goods they'll treasure..’’

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Bessie Cooper, US
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‘’Florida-born FS Metals is a leading supplier of rare coins, paper money and precious metals. Committed to authenticity, they strive to serve customers with high-quality goods they'll treasure..’’

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Bessie Cooper, US
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‘’Florida-born FS Metals is a leading supplier of rare coins, paper money and precious metals. Committed to authenticity, they strive to serve customers with high-quality goods they'll treasure..’’

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Bessie Cooper, US
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