2023 10g PAMP lunar year of the rabbit

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
ACH $74.78
Cash $74.78
Cashier's Check $74.78
Check $74.78
Crypto $74.78
Money Order $74.78
Wire $74.78
PayPal $77.77
As low as $200.00 per oz above spot
FS Metals buy price $10.42

Originating in China millennia ago, each new year is celebrated based on the lunar cycle of time, unlike the Western calendar. Known in China as ‘shengxiao’ (shenz-yaw), the Chinese lunar new years follow a repeating cycle of 12 years, with each year represented by a specific animal and its special attributes. PAMP’s highly popular series of Lunar Calendar ingots in fine gold or silver celebrates the traditions of the Chinese New Year with unexpected designs that delight and captivate, from reverse-to-obverse. The brilliant red CertiPAMP™ assay packaging presents each annual ingot as the ideal new year gift for others, or to collect for the self. Available in silver and gold fractional sizes.

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‘’Florida-born FS Metals is a leading supplier of rare coins, paper money and precious metals. Committed to authenticity, they strive to serve customers with high-quality goods they'll treasure..’’

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‘’Florida-born FS Metals is a leading supplier of rare coins, paper money and precious metals. Committed to authenticity, they strive to serve customers with high-quality goods they'll treasure..’’

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Bessie Cooper, US
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‘’Florida-born FS Metals is a leading supplier of rare coins, paper money and precious metals. Committed to authenticity, they strive to serve customers with high-quality goods they'll treasure..’’

John Doe
Bessie Cooper, US
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‘’Florida-born FS Metals is a leading supplier of rare coins, paper money and precious metals. Committed to authenticity, they strive to serve customers with high-quality goods they'll treasure..’’

John Doe
Bessie Cooper, US
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